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Tuesday, May 17, 2011


It is never too late to change.  How exciting it is to know that, but more so to do something about it? I have become so much more self aware as the years ebb and flow.  I see things about myself that I was not aware of before now.  Not all of them are good.  Once again, I  honor a loving Savior that is willing to reveal the places in me that need change.  And, while I am tending to the business he has appointed me, I am day by day a recipient of his grace.  How much better would we be in relating to one another as the Lord does with us under the auspices of grace?
I believe there is less pain when we advocate to grace one another. We can move on to other important tasks that won't waste precious time. Those  of us in my age bracket (past 50 years) probably have more time behind us than we do in front.  I don't desire not to waste another moment if at all possible.  Lord please help me to do what you have called me to do with the power you have already given me.

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