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Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Waiting on the Lord

I haven't had a job since July of 2012.  My husband got laid off in 2010 and was able to collect unemployment until Nov, 2012.  The Lord has keep us through all of this.  There was some money in the bank but, that is all but $47.00 worth of gone. I have been scared more than once, waking up in the middle of the night, sweat running off me and asking God to help for the 1000th time.  He has helped and is helping because we are not on the street,  We have food and we are still in our house.
There is no doubt in the minds of either of us that we are in a learning mode for God is teaching us some things about who he is and the lesson we are learning about faith and trust.
I am scared sometimes.  I wonder how we got here and review in my mind all the things we may have done wrong to be where we are.  But, does it mean we did do something wrong? Or are we being tested and tried to see how we hold up under pressure?  I think the latter is true for when I do wrong, I ask to be forgiven. We are in our 50's now and have been given mentor ship over an extraordinary group of  younger people.  So we need the test for the testimony. So as we go through this journey, we are still praying for a steadfast focus on the Lord so we can come out lifting up the name of Jesus.  Praying that we won't be anxious for anything, continue to pray and wait on the Lord.